My Last Note to You

celly ☁️
2 min readJun 12, 2024
Twenty Five Twenty One (2022)

I found myself walking through the streets where we last strolled that evening. Each breath I took that once felt gentle now feels suffocating. My eyes, once brimming with warmth, now feel so weary. My hand, once comforted by the familiar pressure of yours, yearns for that sensation. I have grown so accustomed to you that now, life feels so incomplete with your absence.

I still remember the days when your eyes glimmered at the sight of food, particularly udon. I remember the heart-shaped dimple that forms on the right side of your cheek when you smile, and how you always draped your arms across my shoulders as we walked across the hall. These little moments are still etched in my mind.

Looking back, you were the first person to show me what happiness is.

The first person to turn a mere house into a home.

The first person to love me as I am, even at my worst.

The first person to show me what being alive truly means.

Despite the wholehearted love we share for each other, fate, with its relentless march, barged into our abode and drove us apart. The harder we tried to cling to each other, the more pain we felt resided within us. It was just a matter of time before our love completely slipped away.

I still recall the depths of love I possessed for you. The night before you called it off, my heart felt so restless and uneasy. I fell onto my knees and begged God to take anything in this world but you. I was so afraid to continue to live, because I no longer remember what life felt like before you.

But, there is no changing fate.

Maybe in this journey of life, we are solely destined to entwine briefly, leaving momentous traces of us to reminisce.

And so,

Here’s to all the moments we created and the lessons we learnt. In all sincerity I wish you the best in life. If you ever find yourself lost, know that I will always welcome you with an open heart.


